Karzai asks students to work for the future

The Kabul Times is a state-run daily published in English.

Karzai asks students to work for the future

The Kabul Times is a state-run daily published in English.

Monday, 1 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A ceremony was held at the Kabul Sports Stadium on April 29 in honour of education. The event was part of the two-day celebration of Mujahedin Victory Day, commemorating the victory of the mujahedin over the communist regime in 1992. Students, including boys and girls dressed in traditional costume, sang patriotic songs and took part in various displays. President Hamed Karzai, who attended the ceremony, asked students to work hard and think about their country’s future. Addressing students, members of the cabinet and tribal elders, the president urged the young people to study and help get Afghanistan back on its feet.
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