Iraq Donates 35 Million Dollars to Lebanon

Kurdistani New issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Iraq Donates 35 Million Dollars to Lebanon

Kurdistani New issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Monday, 24 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

President Jalal Talabani expressed his support for the Lebanese and the Lebanese government's (demand) for an immediate cease fire. This came during a telephone call from Sa'd al-Hariri, a Lebanese MP. President Talabani told Hariri that the Iraqi government is considering offering aid through the Lebanese government. He also said that prime Minster Nuri al-Maliki will visit the United Kingdom and the United States to ask the international community for an immediate cease fire (between Hizbullah fighters and Israel.) Talabani also announced a nationwide campaign to donate for the Lebanese. He donated 100 million Iraqi dinar (67,000 dollars) in campaign at al-Furat satellite channel. (Deputy prime minister) Barham Saleh, announced that the Iraqi government will give a 35 million dollar grant to the Lebanese relief commission.
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