Editorial: Our enemies should not misuse our religious feeling

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Editorial: Our enemies should not misuse our religious feeling

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Friday, 10 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The publication of offensive caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in a Danish newspaper, and their republication in other European newspapers, has enraged the Muslim world. Muslims around the globe denounced the acts of these Western publications by holding protests. Our own Muslim people also staged demonstrations to express their grave reaction to the depiction of the Prophet Mohammad in these cartoons. The protestors demanded that the government sever all political and economic relations with Denmark, and that those who insulted the holy religion of Islam be put on trial. In accordance with the law of the land, the Muslim people of Afghanistan have a right to react to this offence to their religion and stage demonstrations to let the Western press know that freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to insult another’s religion. But in the recent demonstrations, we saw how our enemies misused the emotions and faith of our people, and turned peaceful public demonstrations into violent ones. We appreciate the peaceful reaction by our Muslim people, and we want to avoid any kind of violence and destructive acts. People should not let enemies turn peaceful protests towards violence.
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