Opinion: The Iraqis and the Date Palms

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Opinion: The Iraqis and the Date Palms

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Friday, 10 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

An old Iraqi man said on one of the satellite channels that Iraqis are like date palm trees: They have many branches but their roots run deep in the ground. This old man has summarized the reality of the Iraqi people, who cannot be divided whatever the difficulties. His speech constituted a sharp response to those who fish in the still water and bet on the division of the Iraqi people. They forget that these people have suffered mightily throughout their long history, but their unity was never broken. The events of the last week proved that Iraqis are still united and the efforts of the blasphemers were much ado about nothing. Yes, Iraqis are like a date palm tree with many branches and one deep root. We believe that the popular stance was stronger than the political one: It could contain the crisis that was planned to appear larger than it actually is. We are dealing with a big change in the country's future. Once we get a hold of it, we will draw the right road map with steadfast steps.
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