Defence Ministry Plagued by Corruption

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Defence Ministry Plagued by Corruption

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Monday, 22 January, 2007


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The deputy chief of staff of the Iraqi army, Nasir al-Abbadi, has said corruption has engulfed the defence ministry and is having an adverse effect on servicemen. The commander of one military unit, Colonel Tahsin Jibur Ahmed, said he is finding it impossible to get the weapons and vehicles his troops need. Nor can he get their wages. The colonel said he has evidence that the wages are being diverted from his men and embezzled after being paid in the names of fictitious servicemen, but added there was nothing he could to stop it happening.
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