Opinion: The Government and the Iraqi Street Requests

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Opinion: The Government and the Iraqi Street Requests

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Friday, 6 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

There is a serious debate among Iraqis about issues related to their recent situations such as the fuel crisis and the ration cards; to their recent past such as the trial of Saddam and his controversial characters; and to their future: The federalism issue, the constitution, the shape of the next government, and the rebuilding of Iraq. Iraqis are smart enough to delve deeply in these issues as they are unwilling to be subjected by any one. Therefore, the new government should put an end to the concerns of Iraqis by presenting the suitable solutions to the problems they are suffering from; it has to convince the Iraqi people that the new Iraq is better than the old one, the permanent constitution is better than the temporary one, federalism does not mean splitting the country, democracy is not a way to let the officials loot the people’s wealth, and the rebuilding of Iraq is real and not only a declaration on the pages of newspapers. The new government should intellectually study the situations of Iraq, which has long lagged behind developed countries.
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