Salahaddin governor: Duz Khurmato is an integrated part of Kirkuk

Kurdistani Nwe is daily issued by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Salahaddin governor: Duz Khurmato is an integrated part of Kirkuk

Kurdistani Nwe is daily issued by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Monday, 20 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Salahaddin governor Hamad Hamood visited Kirkuk (on February 19) to meet with (Kirkuk governor Abdel Rahman Mustafa) and political officials. In the meetings, security issues were discussed. A source told Kurdistani Nwe that the Salahaddin governor has confirmed his support for implementing article 58 of the Iraqi constitution, (which calls for the mixed and divided city of Kirkuk to be normalized). He also said that Duz Khurmato is an integrated part of Kirkuk and that the ousted Ba'athist regime attached it to Salahadin province for political reasons.
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