Al-Hamashi Replaces (Special Tribunal Judge) Rizkar

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Al-Hamashi Replaces (Special Tribunal Judge) Rizkar

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Tuesday, 17 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Ja'afar al-Musawi, prosecutor-general of the Iraqi special tribunal trying (former Iraqi leader) Saddam Hussein and seven of his top aides, said the court has named Saeed al-Hamashi, one of the five tribunal judges, as a temporary replacement for Judge Rizkar Amin. Amin had overseen the tribunal (since it began in October) and submitted his resignation last week. He added that the government has not yet mentioned the resignation, but Amin will not attend the next trial session on 24 January.
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