Ration Cards Continued

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Ration Cards Continued

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Wednesday, 5 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The director-general of rations and planning in the trade ministry, Faisal Naji Maloo, said the ministry will continue its ration card system and that all of its items will be available in 2006. He added that ships loaded with rice, sugar and flour have already arrived Iraq. He maintained that there is no need to financially compensate families (who did not receive their share of the food rations in 2005) because the compensation would not help poor families make ends meet. He added that the ministry started to survey displaced families to give them their share of the items.
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