Anfal Trial Prosecutors Line up More Eyewitnesses

Kurdistani Nwe is a political daily issued by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Anfal Trial Prosecutors Line up More Eyewitnesses

Kurdistani Nwe is a political daily issued by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Monday, 30 October, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The trial of former president Saddam Hussein and his associates accused of crimes during the Anfal campaign against the Kurds resumed on October 30, with an announcement from chief prosecutor Jaafar al-Musawi that his team has another group of eyewitnesses lined up to give testimony. The court will take two weeks to finish hearing these witnesses, after which foreign experts will be put on the witness stand to talk about mass graves. Musawi said he had no official information on the possible arrest of a man named Hajjaj, who is was reportedly in charge of the Nugra al-Salman prison in which many of the Anfal survivors were detained. But he said that if Hajjaj was captured, prosecutors would want him brought to trial given the nature of the charges against him.
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