Editorial: The New American Policy in Iraq

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily newspaper.

Editorial: The New American Policy in Iraq

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily newspaper.

Friday, 16 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

President Bush's sudden visit to Iraq and his distinguished meeting with the prime minister indicate that America has a new policy in Iraq. This includes the top secret plan to eliminate Zarqawi (in reference to al-Qaeda in Iraq's leader, who was killed earlier this month in a US military air strike) and other secret initiatives. The huge attack on terrorism should help us locally, regionally and internationally. Locally, we should encourage all parties to participate in politics before discussing constitutional amendments so that they are not marginalized. Prime minister Nuri al-Maliki should take that step on his own behalf and not for the Americans. Regionally, we should express our frustration with those Arabs that cry for Zarqawi's death, and we should set up the reconciliation conference. Internationally, we must renew our determination to build a democratic, federal and civilized Iraq in line with the constitution, and we need an international initiative to enable us to work with international community. The Iraqi government should first address security, and then deal with economic and social development.
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