Editorial: Sunni and Shia

Al-Sabah is a daily newspaper supported by the Iraqi government.

Editorial: Sunni and Shia

Al-Sabah is a daily newspaper supported by the Iraqi government.

Friday, 19 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Despite the attempts to ignite sectarian conflict, the majority of the good Iraqi people are following the Iraq nature to refuse (violence.) The US-based New York Times published a report about some (Baghdad) residents who are guarding their areas at night against any terrorist attack or penetration. They are a mixture of both Sunnis and Shias who stand together regardless of their backgrounds. Some Sunnis helped their Shia neighbours confront attacks by Sunni militias. The sectarian lines vanish when the issue touches on security of the people. Those lines are not essential and they have nothing to do with the original nature of Iraqis, who stand together as patriots. (Iraqis uniting and crossing sectarian boundaries) are not new phenomena because Iraqis from different religious backgrounds used to marry. There was sectarian oppression, but the oppression came from the government and all suffered from it. As the state rebuilds, it should avoid repeating that oppression. The danger is that the politicians are trying to plant the seeds of political sectarianism by distributing ministerial posts along sectarian lines.
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