Kurdistan Culture Minister: 'Hawlati Should Be Proud They Were Tried'

Hawlati is an independent Kurdish newspaper issued weekly.

Kurdistan Culture Minister: 'Hawlati Should Be Proud They Were Tried'

Hawlati is an independent Kurdish newspaper issued weekly.

Wednesday, 17 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

In an interview with Hawlati, (newly-appointed) Kurdistan Regional Government culture minister Falakadeen Kakayee said a project is in the works so that journalists will no longer be jailed. Regarding the trial of Hawlati's editor-in-chief (was recently convicted of printing incorrect information.) Kakayee said, "Hawlati did a good job and has gained a good standing (in the Kurdish community.) They should be proud they were tried, as this proves that they are active." He said he did not support establishing a journalists' union separate from the journalists' syndicate, saying that it is better to address whether "there are shortcomings in the journalists' syndicate and if they cannot support young (journalists.)"
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