IWPR Becomes Refworld Partner


IWPR Becomes Refworld Partner


Tuesday, 6 October, 2009


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

IWPR has been selected as a partner by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' authoritative Refworld publication, which aims to promote better informed decision-making in the field of refugee claims and asylum procedures.

Refworld contains a large collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin and asylum; policy documents; documents dealing with international and national legal frameworks; and other reference materials.

The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field offices, governments, international, regional and non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and judicial bodies.

Refworld's partners are widely recognised for having achieved a reputation for delivering authoritative, relevant and timely assessments and analysis of socio-political, human rights, and legal situations around the world.

A Refworld spokesman explained why IWPR had been selected as an information partner.

"IWPR provides first-hand reports on a variety of human rights issues that are relevant for helping to take decisions on asylum applications, covering a wide range of countries that are among the top refugee-producing ones," he said.

"Secondly, IWPR is reporting facts in a timely fashion, relying on its presence and contacts in several countries.

"Finally, IWPR is relied upon by national asylum agencies and its reports are also quoted in national jurisprudence related to asylum cases."

For more information, please contact IWPR Managing Editor Yigal Chazan, yigal@iwpr.net


IWPR undertakes capacity-building programmes in more than two dozen areas of crisis and conflict around the world. Established in 1993, its work focuses on training, reporting and institution-building. This includes establishing independent local media; training local reporters, editors and producers in basic and specialist skills; supporting extensive in-depth reporting on human rights, good governance and related issues; disseminating fact-based reporting in developing countries and internationally; and strengthening communications capacity of local human rights, women’s and grassroots organisations.

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