A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai.
A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai. © John Moore/Getty Images


Zimbabwe Crisis Reports

Years active: 2008-2012

Look East Policy Failing

Mugabe’s drive to win wealthy and uncritical friends in East Asia does little to rescue the economy.

Demolitions May be Mugabe's Biggest Mistake

Assailed on all sides by a collapsing economy and dissenters in his own party ranks, the Zimbabwean leader may have taken one step too far with his all-out campaign to destroy urban homes.

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