A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai.
A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai. © John Moore/Getty Images


Zimbabwe Crisis Reports

Years active: 2008-2012

US May Tighten Screws on Zimbabwe

As the international community steps up the pressure on President Robert Mugabe’s regime, American officials consider tougher sanctions.

Corruption a Way of Life in Zimbabwe

The government’s new corruption survey is merely another way for the authorities to be seen to be doing something, without taking resolute steps to root out the problem.

Rebuilding Zimbabwean Pride

A one-time admirer of Robert Mugabe reflects on the harm the president has inflicted on Zimbabwe – and what can be done to reverse the damage.

Mugabe Won't Let Go Easily

Events over the last two weeks have added to the pressures facing the Zimbabwean leader, but the opposition will need to keep up the momentum since the president is likely to cling to power as long as he can.

Zimbabwe's Farming Disaster

Derelict properties of first two white farmers murdered in Zimbabwe mirror the country's agricultural collapse.

Fixing Zimbabwe

Even if Robert Mugabe steps aside, unpicking the damage done to Zimbabwe’s political fabric will be a complex task.

A Sense of Impunity

A legacy of international inaction encourages Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe to believe there is no price to pay for his crackdown on opponents.

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