A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai.
A campaign poster for President Robert Mugabe is posted along a city street June 21, 2008 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Human rights groups have accused Mugabe's ruling party of mass voter intimidation and violence against the political opposition ahead of the scheduled June 27 presidential runoff vote between President Mugabe and opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai. © John Moore/Getty Images


Zimbabwe Crisis Reports

Years active: 2008-2012

Lisbon Summit Furore

Dispute over European-Africa summit suggests both continents are driven more by self-interest than human rights, analysts say.

Teachers Vote With Their Feet

As qualified teaching staff leave their jobs and flood out of the country, the schools are filling up with untrained teachers.

Bank Chief Out on a Limb

Some say Gideon Gono is looking for a pretext to jump ship – if necessary by getting the president to push him.

Maria's Daily Struggle

The plight of Maria Makoni highlights the grim realities of life in a country suffering dire shortages of just about everything.

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