Zimbabwe Crisis Reports
Years active: 2008-2012
Zimbabwean Pensioners Look to New Law
Legislation that took a decade to pass offers hope of greater policy focus on older people’s welfare.
Thoughts from a Petrol Queue
Long lines of cars waiting for fuel that rarely arrive form a strange subculture, with engine-less vehicles joining the queue, and street kids sleeping in Mercedes.
Zimbabwean Radio Journalists to Face Trial
The silencing of the country's last independent radio station.
Zimbabweans Blamed for South African Crime
Political violence at home has given the Zimbabwean refugees a serious image problem in their new homeland.
Gono Car Perks Fiasco
Central bank governor ordered to request legislators to return cars he issued them.
Ex-Students Urged to Save Leading University
With no funds, no water and staff leaving in droves the University of Zimbabwe turns to its alumni for help.
Plans for New Zimbabwe Constitution in Trouble
Country's powerful civil society groups object to the government’s constitution-drafting process.
Storm Over Ministerial Demotion
Removal of key communication portfolio from MDC minister is another blow to the fragile unity government.
Public Anger at Officials' Lucrative Perks
While millions of Zimbabweans are jobless and hungry their leaders are living it up.