The Women's Reporting & Dialogue Programme
Years active: 2005-2006
The Women's Reporting & Dialogue Programme - covering non-Arab Muslim countries - will seek to strengthen the capacity of local media and individual journalists to cover gender issues through training and information provision. It also seeks to create a regional network of female journalists whose high-quality output will provide a much-needed source of comprehensive information on gender issues in the regions.
Turkmenistan: Grim Hospitals Making Babies Sick
Women are giving birth in unhygienic, poorly staffed maternity clinics.
Azerbaijan: All Work And No Play
Azeri women say they work twice as hard as men for little reward.
No Refuge for Afghan Runaways
Women who escape domestic troubles are often forced to fend for themselves on the streets.
Single Mothers Struggle With Prejudice
Unmarried women who choose to have children face public scorn.
Kyrgyz Bride Price Controversy
This age-old tradition is flourishing, but there are fears it turns women into a commodity.
Afghanistan: Not Just a Pretty Face
Political sensation Fawzia Gailani dismisses suggestions that her electoral triumph in Herat was down to her looks.
Breaking a Vicious Cycle
Unaware of their rights and with nowhere to turn to, many victims of violence suffer in silence.
Scraping a Living
Dismal economic prospects mean low paid, menial and dangerous work is often only way to make ends meet.
Defining Rights, Finding a Voice
With meaningful political influence a distant dream, the social consequences of effective disenfranchisement are dire.