Iraq: Human Rights TV Magazine
Years active: 2010
The goal of these TV programmes (produced in Arabic and Kurdish) is to improve the understanding of - and support for - human rights among Iraqis, using human interest features to communicate often abstract concepts. The studio discussion of the features - and the issues raised in them - also allows for public questioning of politicians and civil society representatives. Discussion of such issues has never been done on Iraqi TV before. Each episode involves a new group of trainee producers, who receive on-the-job training and mentoring from IWPR Kurdish and Arab production teams.
Social and Healthcare Rights
Probe of living conditions for residents of a Sulaimaniyah slum.
Social and Healthcare Rights
Focus on cost of treatment and problem of mentally ill people living rough.
Rights of Internally Displaced People
Spotlight on experiences of Kurds forced to leave shelled border villages.
Rights of Internally Displaced People
Uprooted families in rural Kurdistan tell of struggle to get by.
Disabled People's Rights
Assessment of care provision, illustrated by moving personal story.
Rights of Children
Insight into difficulties facing divorced parents trying to bring up children.
Disabled People's Rights
Land-mine victim talks about her daily struggle to make a living.
Rights of Children
Report on availability of education, in particular controversies over location of schools.