A Belgrader reading a local daily newspaper with the headline "A Second Round", looks for the report of September 29 Serbian presidential elections September 30, 2002 in Belgrade.
A Belgrader reading a local daily newspaper with the headline "A Second Round", looks for the report of September 29 Serbian presidential elections September 30, 2002 in Belgrade. © Milos Bicanski/Getty Images


Balkans: Regional Reporting & Sustainable Training

Years active: 1999-2010

This programme supports long-term democracy, conflict resolution and European integration in the Balkans by creating a regional network of investigative reporting institutions - the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - to conduct cross-border research, reporting and dialogue projects, practical training and supportive collaborations with local media outlets.

Milosevic's Medals Spurned

While Belgrade continues to dole out awards and medals, several bereaved parents have spurned the baubles presented to their dead sons by Milosevic.

Croatia Awaits the Handover

The transfer of power following the recent election in Croatia is oddly slow, impeded by the absence of a law regulating a change in government and the hesitation of the out-going administration to let go.


Following its accusations of a French-led attempt on the life of Slobodan Milosevic, Belgrade authorities have pressed charges against a Serbian group for plots against the president and opposition leader Vuk Draskovic.

Not Sorry Enough

When questioned the Serbs still in Kosovo distance themselves from the atrocities that took place during the conflict, but returning Albanians are angered by their version of events.

Rival Frustrations

Open discontent within the security forces is growing, as Yugoslav soldiers express bitterness over low pay, poor prospects and military defeat.

Djukanovic Courts Clinton's Support

All options are open, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic tells US President Bill Clinton, discussing prospects for a 'realignment of relations' with Serbia - even a possible referendum on independence.

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