Balkans: Regional Reporting & Sustainable Training
Years active: 1999-2010
This programme supports long-term democracy, conflict resolution and European integration in the Balkans by creating a regional network of investigative reporting institutions - the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - to conduct cross-border research, reporting and dialogue projects, practical training and supportive collaborations with local media outlets.
Bosnia: A Question of Objectivity
Could some journalists in south-east Europe be rediscovering the importance of virtues that certain of their British counterparts are abandoning?
A State of Violence
The attempt to forge a Serb state within Croatia left a tragic human legacy.
Hungarians Call for Local Autonomy
SVM has scant hopes of seeing its demand made part of Serbia’s new constitution but may extract other concessions.
EU Funds for Macedonia in the Balance
Macedonia could lose millions of euro in assistance from Europe if it does not speed up reform of its creaking administration.
Bosnia: Symbol of Prison Camp Suffering
Head down and hands tied, a simple carving by a former Bosnian Muslim detainee is a powerful symbol even ten years on.
Macedonia on Edge
International delegations might be prodding the Macedonian government to negotiate a way out of the current crisis but progress is scant
Milosevic Arrested
Slobodan Milosevic surrenders to police, ending a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade.
Milosevic's Fate in the Balance
Talks are underway for the surrender of Slobodan Milosevic amid a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade and a mounting power struggle between Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.
Yugoslavia Joins Pact
Stability Pact members have mixed feelings over Yugoslavia's newly acquired membership of the organisation.