Zubai Call on Iraqis to Unite

Al-Iraq al-Yom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Zubai Call on Iraqis to Unite

Al-Iraq al-Yom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Deputy prime minister Salam al-Zubai has called on the Iraqi people to unite to confront the groups that aim to ignite sectarian conflict in mixed areas. He urged Iraq's different groups to support the prime minister's reconciliation plan. He also called on the security forces to keep treat civilians in a humane manner while they attempt to quash violence in Jihad neighbourhood. In addition, Zubai called on neighbouring states to take strong stances against the terrorism targeting the Iraqi people by stopping armed groups from infiltrating Iraq.
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