Two Hundred Due to Testify for Anfal Trial

Hawlati is an independent newspaper issued weekly by Ranj Printing House.

Two Hundred Due to Testify for Anfal Trial

Hawlati is an independent newspaper issued weekly by Ranj Printing House.

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Two hundred people from Kurdistan are due to give testimony about the Anfal campaign in the trial against (former Iraqi leader) Saddam Hussein and his aids Ali Hassan Majeed and five other deputies, Chnar Sa'd Abdullah, minister of martyrs and Anfal affairs in the Kurdistan Regional Government, told Hawlati. The Iraqi criminal court announced the trial would begin on August 21. A source from the court told Hawlati that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party are due to send some (Kurdish) Ba'thists who had helped Iraqi army during the campaign to serve as witnesses against the accused.
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