Turkish TV Serials Blamed For Social Ills

Syria Media Report, 25-Jul-08

Turkish TV Serials Blamed For Social Ills

Syria Media Report, 25-Jul-08

Friday, 25 July, 2008


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Two popular Turkish soap operas which have captivated Syrian audiences have been blamed for social problems, divorce and even one suicide, pro-government news outlets reported this week.

For several months, MBC, a popular television network in the Middle East, has carried two Turkish series called “Night” and “Years of Loss”, dubbed into Damascus-style Arabic.

A 17-year-old boy from Der al-Zur committed suicide recently because he was depressed by the fall of a hero in “Years of Loss”, the pro-government Syrian Echoes website reported on July 20.

The young man was found hanging in his room with a letter in his pocket describing his anguish about the series.

Last June, man in Tartos divorced his wife because she ignored him to watch the Turkish soaps, according to a July 19 report by the pro-government Syria News website. The programmes have been blamed for breaking up marriages in other Arab countries as well.

Syrians are passionate about the Turkish TV series. Syria News said the streets empty when the shows are broadcast.

Viewers quoted by Syria News said that they liked the programmes as they showed western-style romances and clothing with dialogue dubbed into Arabic. Photos of the stars of the shows are on sale in Syria, and some shop owners have named their stores after the actors.

Articles in the local media say the Turkish programmes have had a negative influence on Syria because the characters have pre-marital sex relations and drink alcohol.
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