Transportation Halted in Sulaimaniyah

Kurdistani Nwe issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Transportation Halted in Sulaimaniyah

Kurdistani Nwe issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Thursday, 13 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Due to shortage of fuel, 28 bus stations stopped working for three hours, causing hardship for many people. Drivers denied that they went on strike or asked to increase transport fees, declaring that the sole reason that they halted their work was because they hadn't received fuel for four days. They also said that they couldn't afford black market prices. Fuel arrived in Sulaimaniyah during the shut down, which solved the problem. A source from private projects commission told Kurdistani Nwe, "In the last three days, only 200,000 litres of benzene and 106,000 litres of gas have arrived in Sulaimaniyah. We need two million litres" (for both benzene and gas daily.) The source also said that there are around 2,000 buses in the city and they require more than 50,000 litres of fuel daily.
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