Threat of Civil Disobedience

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Threat of Civil Disobedience

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Thursday, 2 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Iraqi Accord Front (a Sunni Arab political bloc) threatened on February 1 to call for civil disobedience if the government does not respond to its demands, which include releasing detainees and disbanding militias. Iraqi Islamic Party secretary-general Tariq al-Hashimi said the front has a plan to stop the bloodshed in Iraq. He said it is time for the Iraqi government and US forces to heed the front's demands or it will call for civil disobedience throughout the country. Hashimi asked that the army deploy throughout Baghdad to protect the people and called for the resignation of the interior minister and his deputies.
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