Thirty-five people held in custody

Kurdistani New is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Thirty-five people held in custody

Kurdistani New is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Thursday, 30 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Mamosta Sayfedin, head of Kurdistan's general security department, told Kurdistani Nwe that so far 35 people have been held in custody on suspicion of setting the Halabja monument on fire. He refuted allegations that more than 35 people are being held. He also insisted that the suspects were arrested on a judge's order. "Only a few people did this," he said. "The rest will be released after being interrogated and proven innocent." Sayfedin asked people who have gone into hiding over fears of being arrested to return to their normal daily lives. He said security forces are not interested in the people who participated in the demonstration, but that some of the media have scared them into thinking that security will arrest them. He insisted that human rights groups can meet the detainees, and family members can meet with them after security finishes interrogating them.
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