Taleban commander arrested for school arson

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Taleban commander arrested for school arson

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Thursday, 16 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Late on February 14, Afghan security forces arrested a Taleban commander in the central province of Ghazni on charges of burning down schools, police said. Provincial official said they arrested Mullah Shah Nazar after his men torched a school in the province’s Gilan district on the night of February 13. In addition to burning schools, the man has also been involved in several other attacks on government targets, according to the Afghan interior ministry. Mullah Shah Nazar was the head of Shahwali Kot district in of Kandahar province under the Taleban regime.
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