(Talabani) Seeks More Authority

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

(Talabani) Seeks More Authority

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Wednesday, 18 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

President Jalal al-Talabani said coalitions have stopped negotiating to form the new government until the election results are announced. He affirmed that he wants to have a national unity government that includes all groups in Iraqi. Talabani He added that he is hopeful that the Iraqi Accord Front (an opposition Sunni Arab coalition) will help form the new government and that it will take into account the country's interests. Talabani said he agreed to be nominated for a second term but insisted on have more authority. Talabani maintained that he did not want to change the constitution (to give the president more power) but wanted all government bodies to have more authority.
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