Syrians Ignore Hariri Tribunal

Syria Media Report, 09-March-09

Syrians Ignore Hariri Tribunal

Syria Media Report, 09-March-09

Monday, 9 March, 2009


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Syrians have not expressed much interest in the opening of the tribunal set up to try those suspected of the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, reported website Syria Tomorrow.

Syria has been implicated in the killing by a United Nations investigation, though Damascus denies involvement.

“Syrians are ignoring the tribunal,” said attorney Husam Habash in a piece published on the pro-government site on March 5.

“As long as [the court] stays professional and does not act against Syria for political purposes, there is no problem.”

The three official Syrian newspapers – Tishreen, Al-Thawra and Al-Baath – did not cover the Special Tribunal when proceedings got under way on March 1.

Analyst Dr Bassam Abu Abdullah told the website that any Syrian suspects must be tried in the country’s courts, rather than in The Hague.

He expressed fears that the tribunal would become more politicised as it went on and urged Syrians to pay some attention to proceedings in the coming months.
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