Sixty-Five Per Cent of Kurds Want Relations with Israel

Hawlati is an independent weekly Kurdish newspaper.

Sixty-Five Per Cent of Kurds Want Relations with Israel

Hawlati is an independent weekly Kurdish newspaper.

Thursday, 8 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Sixty-five per cent of Iraqi Kurds think that diplomatic relations between the Kurdistan Regional Government and Israel are "necessary." Of (1,519 people polled in Iraqi Kurdistan,) 22 per cent said it was not necessary for the two states to have relations, while 12 per cent responded that they did not have an opinion. Those Kurds who believed that the Kurdistan Regional Government and Israel should have relations cited the possible strengthening of the Kurds' position in the region, Israel's democracy, trade (between the two states,) the existence of Kurds in Israel and that some Arab countries have relations with Israel. Those who didn't support establishing relations with Israel cited Israel as an occupying state, its instability and the fact that Kurdistan does not share borders with Israel. The Kuridistan Institute for Political Inquiries conducted the poll May 22 and May 27 in the provinces of Erbil, Sulaimaniyah, Duhok and Kurdish inhabited areas of Kirkuk.
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