Professors Flee Iraq

London-based Asharq al-Awsat, a pro-Saudi independent paper, is issued daily.

Professors Flee Iraq

London-based Asharq al-Awsat, a pro-Saudi independent paper, is issued daily.

Thursday, 8 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The union of university professors in Iraq has warned that the migration of professors would cause academic, social and scientific crises in the country. A study by the union revealed that 127 professors were killed since the US-led invasion of Iraq and that hundreds were threatened or survived assassination attempts. The study also revealed that 755 professors were forced to flee and seek work, security and stability for themselves and their families. The study noted that many professors have sold their houses, cars and other properties to travel abroad. Many Arab and foreign universities have welcomed them because of their qualifications. Many others intend to leave when the academic year ends. There are more than 400 Iraqi academics working in private universities in Amman.
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