Summary of Countering Disinformation Moldova (CDM) Formative Research
IWPR and its local partners have been supporting media outlets in countering the threat of disinformation and Russian state-sponsored propaganda in Moldova, which has intensified since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
To support beneficiaries in Moldova in developing content to reach this goal, over the past 15 months IWPR commissioned research aimed at understanding how views of the Moldovan public have changed towards Russia and the West since the invasion, alongside their thoughts over the trustworthiness and credibility of media coverage of the war.
This summary provides an overview of the research methods, key findings and insights which have emerged from parts of the Moldovan public politically aligned as neutral towards Russia or the West. This research was prepared under the Countering Disinformation in Moldova Project, implemented with the support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).