Pressure on Fadheela Party Leader

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Pressure on Fadheela Party Leader

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Wednesday, 18 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Al-Fadheela party announced it might withdraw from the United Iraqi Alliance if the coalition continues to pressure its secretary general, Nadeem al-Jabiri, to withdraw his candidacy for prime minister and support Iraqi vice-president Adil Abdul Mahdi for the post. Party sources affirmed that depending on the election results, the party will have two choices: Either to quit the United Iraqi Alliance and to join the (opposition) Iraqi Accord Front and Iraqi National List, or to continue forming a government with the coalition. The sources added the party might join the opposition if Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq secretary-general Adul Aziz al-Hakim (a prominent figure in the United Iraqi Alliance) continues pressuring Jabiri.
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