Pilgrims robbed by highwaymen

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Pilgrims robbed by highwaymen

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Tuesday, 13 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A group of armed robbers has held up a convoy of people intending to carry out the Haj or pilgrimage. Four robbers on motorcycles stopped the pilgrims in the Almar district of Faryab province and stole money, mobile phones and other valuables. Highway robbery has been on the increase in Faryab in recent months, and regular travellers in the province say Dasht-e-Laili is a nest of thieves. Provincial governor Latif Ibrahimi confirmed that there had been a robbery, and promised to do his best to protect the lives and property of travellers.
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