Opposition Holds Paris Protests

Syria Media Report, 14-Mar-08

Opposition Holds Paris Protests

Syria Media Report, 14-Mar-08

Friday, 14 March, 2008


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Damascus Declaration in Europe has held a demonstration in Paris to demand that Syria change its laws, according to a press release from the opposition group.

The March 8 demonstration coincided with the anniversary of the Baath party’s military coup in Syria 45 years ago. The Damascus Declaration demanded that Syria abolish its emergency law, which has been in effect since the 1963 coup.

Protesters also demanded that the government release political prisoners, including Damascus Declaration members who have been detained in recent months, as well as Kurdish detainees.

Dozens of Syrian protesters raised pictures of the Damascus declaration detainees and Kurdish victims of the 2004 riots in Qameshli in northern Syria.
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