Opinion: Zarqawi and the Arak of Hibhib

Opinion: Zarqawi and the Arak of Hibhib

Friday, 9 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraqis know the village of Hibhib for the cheap arak [alcoholic drink] that poor people drink. From now on, it will be famous for the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He might have drunk such arak, because he certainly never hesitated to drink the blood of innocent Iraqi people. News media reported that some Jordanian peoples collapsed on hearing the news that he had been killed. We say to those people that he was an ugly criminal who placed the severed heads of Iraqis in fruit boxes and discarded them in the street - not for cooperating with the Americans, not for living in a state where the Zionist flag flies, but simply for being Shia. Although Iraqis are happy at the killing of Zarqawi, it does not mean the end of bloodshed in Iraq. As long as the occupation continues, the insurgents will keep up their criminal actions under the pretext of opposing the occupation. And as long as the government is founded on sectarian quotas, the insurgents will find fertile ground for working in Iraq. The only way to avoid this is to form a secular government where no religion or sect dominates, and where everyone is respected for their humanity and their ethnic and sectarian backgrounds.
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