Opinion: War with Ghosts

Awene is an independent newspaper issued three times per week in the Iraqi Kurdistan city of Sulaimaniyah.

Opinion: War with Ghosts

Awene is an independent newspaper issued three times per week in the Iraqi Kurdistan city of Sulaimaniyah.

Friday, 21 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Most people know that the (Kurdish) government and authorities are in a huge crisis, a crisis that they once promise to resolve (with words) and another time with force. This duality is also seen with party officials. One (official) is outspoken about human rights, while another talks about breaking people's hands and legs. On one side, they talk about our democratic experience; but on the other side, no one has heard about (the government) giving permission for a demonstration. These contradictions are so deeply embedded that they cannot be tolerated anymore. The big question is: How long can a government survive in such circumstances? How long can they govern people like this? There is no doubt that there are heated discussions about reforms. Reforms require steadfast determination to be carried out. A policy is needed to restore Kurdistan's infrastructure, a policy that gives people water. Then (the government) can be proud of building parks and swimming pools. Pave the roads; then talk about Dream City (in reference to the upscale housing development being built in the Kurdish capital, Erbil.) Provide electricity; then launch satellite channels. Clean the streets; then build modern government buildings. Build schools for children, then open airports. Change the hell inside of the cities; then think about building Paradise of the City (another upscale housing development in Sulaimaniyah.)
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