Opinion: Waiting for Baghdad's Hour (of Civil War)

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Opinion: Waiting for Baghdad's Hour (of Civil War)

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Friday, 21 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A civil war means that everyone must protect himself and every group must handle its own safety. They cannot rely on laws enforced by the police and army. Baghdad security forces can only collect corpses of the people who are killed daily. Where are the assailants coming from, in this city full of security forces backed by the Americans who are supposed to combat the violators of peace? If the government is not capable of providing the people with security, there will not be any need for a government. It has been five months since the elections were held, and the life of Iraqis has worsened because they have lost peace and security. The Iraqi authorities should know that Iraqis or any citizens in the world will not recognise a government that cannot provide security and cleanse the city from terrorists. Those terrorists are trained outside the borders, and are waiting for their hour to set Baghdad on fire as part of an intricate plan to destroy the city. Those in intelligence, security and defence know this, but perhaps they are waiting for the same thing as the Iraqi people: for the government to form before taking action.
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