Opinion: Wait for Your Dead by the Riverside

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada Institute for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Opinion: Wait for Your Dead by the Riverside

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada Institute for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Friday, 30 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

According to old legends, people once believed that people should wait by the river for their dead to be resurrected. Iraqis have converted that belief from legend to reality as they wait for the bodies of loved ones by riversides. Terrorist groups who kidnap and murder their victims throw the bodies in the Tigris. Now, of course, people do not hold out hope of resurrection. Criminal armed groups have abducted nearly 100 workers from the industry ministry, killing some and dumping the bodies in the river. There were tragic scenes as families waited by the river in hope that it might bring up the dead. The Arab media behaved in criminal fashion, abandoning all ethical principles by portraying the kidnapped people as workers at an American base.
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