Opinion: Undemocratic Warnings

Opinion: Undemocratic Warnings

Friday, 20 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Some people think that all aspects of democracy are fair and fine -- that they lead to a better daily life. This assumption is wrong. It is the first quandary for societies like ours, which suffer because they have their own traditions, habits and rituals. But even if they are wrongly applied, it does not mean that the traditions are without value or that we must get rid of them and replace them with more democratic ones. Others who preceded us in democracy and who gave up their traditions are still struggling with this dilemma. Their problems are caused by the wrongful application of democracy. The elite and the educated are responsible for their roles (as leaders) in showing the positive aspects of democracy while warning the majority of people about the negative side of randomly applying democracy. We should not automatically believe in democracy and adopt it as our new Bible. Many Iraqi families who live abroad feel the consequences of accepting western democracy, which has had a negative affect on them. Accordingly, most of them are thinking of returning to their homelands.

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