Opinion: Three Criteria

Opinion: Three Criteria

Friday, 20 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The new government is described as a government of electoral guidance, national participation and efficiency. These three criteria are very important in forming a strong national unity government capable of dealing with the missions it is dealt. Accordingly, efficiency is very important for the next era because it is the era of stability, rebuilding and offering better services to the people. So, we must encourage productive parties and fire those that are corrupt to show the people that there is no place for the idle in the new Iraq. The new government, which will hold power for four years, should bear in mind that there will be negative and positive aspects of the society. It must deal with them and work hard to reduce the negative elements. We hope that the new government will succeed in raising the economic, social and security standards for the people, and put the country's interests first.
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