Opinion: They Play Nothing but Disagreement

Opinion: They Play Nothing but Disagreement

Friday, 20 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

We do not know the goals of those who are protesting the election results. They threatened violence if the Independent Electoral Commission in Iraq does not repeat the elections. They pay no attention to the suffering of the people because of terrorism. After the commission asked the United Nation to send the international team to check the election results for fraud, the team announced that some violations occurred but that they do not affect the final results. Yet, the protestors are not convinced, and they are protesting once again. They decided that the Iraqi judiciary must solve this issue. It seems that they have no clear vision about why they are protesting. They tried to waste the time of the patriotic political powers but have only created political confusion. We hope that the protestors were from parliament, and not those who feed terrorism.
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