Opinion: There Must be a Solution

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by prime minister Nuri al-Maliki's Da'wa Party.

Opinion: There Must be a Solution

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by prime minister Nuri al-Maliki's Da'wa Party.

Friday, 26 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The democratic atmosphere does not justify the chaotic media in Iraq. Democracy should be based on the idea of equality of freedom. That freedom does not mean killing people or violating their rights; that freedom then becomes an aggression that everyone should oppose. The chaotic media in the new Iraq plays a big part in agitating the situation. There are no laws to suppress a media outlet that targets both the security of the people and the country because it is possible for everyone to voice his opinion in local and foreign media outlets. The media discussed the government's formation as an important issue, and everyone has the freedom to write about and to depict it the way he likes. They discussed the disagreements between the slates even though most of them cooperated. They ran terrible pictures of car bombs even when there weren't any attacks. In the neighbouring states, the cases of killings and kidnappings are double of those in Iraq, yet no one writes about them because there are laws against (publishing on such topics.) I wonder when we will control our chaotic media.
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