Opinion: Our Sick Children and the Government

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada Institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Opinion: Our Sick Children and the Government

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada Institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Friday, 14 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Every now and then, we meet good people who are poor. They have sick children and are not financially capable of treating them here or abroad. You feel pity for them because you cannot help send them abroad for treatment -- the only thing you can do is write about their sufferings and draw the attention of the government to the humanitarian situation. Most of these sick children's parents are too poor to pay for their treatment even though they live in a country rich in many resources. The government's task is to search for decent and good people who can treat patients and provide them with the social care they deserve. The government's neglect of these patients frustrates them. I wish that a government representative or national assembly member would listen to the complaints of a sick child's father who has waited for his child's treatment since the time of the former regime. Then, the Olympic hospital decided who to send abroad for treatment or who needed to be treated inside the country.
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