Opinion: The Nobility of Iraqis

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Opinion: The Nobility of Iraqis

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Friday, 17 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Our people proved that (Iraqis are) the origin of nobility and goodness. Thousands of martyrs throughout (Iraq's) long history suffered to regain its freedom. During the dictatorship (of former leader Saddam Hussein) and the ruling of one idol, Iraqis suffered immensely. They never gave up the struggle for their freedom and for a better future. Now that the former regime has been ousted, Iraqis reject any efforts that send them back to square one politically, economically or socially. Rising prices of oil products and attempts to stop the rations system are good examples of the efforts that return Iraq to the days of agony. The government must be open in order to establish confidence with the masses. The government should make the people their top priority and work hard to better serve them. People should feel that they are all equal before the laws that guarantee their rights and duties.
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