Opinion: Maliki and His Ability to Make Ends Meet

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Opinion: Maliki and His Ability to Make Ends Meet

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Friday, 26 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

While it is time to congratulate the new Iraqi national unity government, we also want to place in its view keys to closed doors between the people and officials. It is true that responsibility starts with citizens, but prime minister Nuri al-Maliki's task will be difficult because the political parties have large disagreements between them even though they pretend to be transparent and unified. That might be for propaganda purposes only. Some parties never admit that the media exists or acknowledge the value of transparency; they instead express hostile attitudes. One of the most vital issues to tackle is security. It's become so dangerous that citizens never feel secure, even inside of his house. Another is services, starting with electricity and other essential needs that touch human lives. We put these things on the desk of the prime minister, and we are sure he is capable of dealing with them.
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