Opinion: Huge Issues In Front of the Government

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Opinion: Huge Issues In Front of the Government

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Friday, 26 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The government faces huge issues that require courageous and defiant figures who will not pay attention to reactions. It is well-known that the intelligence office has important information about the neighbouring states' involvement in Iraqi issues. Maliki and his cabinet need to restore security in Baghdad and some of the tense provinces, like Basra. The Iraqi people are hopeful that Maliki and his cabinet will put an end to the armed militias. The Iraqi government should take care of the important and dangerous agenda that affects the Iraqi people's interests. It must provide Iraqis with the means to establish luxurious lives which they dreamt about after decades of suffering and patience. Iraq has many resources. It is the government's task to eliminate the looters and corruption so that the people can use those resources and live as real human beings.
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