Opinion: The Flag Issue

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institute for Media and Cultural Investments.

Opinion: The Flag Issue

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institute for Media and Cultural Investments.

Friday, 8 September, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The flag problem has come up again – we might call it "the independence complex". [The article refers to a proposal to replace the Iraqi flag with the Kurdish one on public buildings in the north. The Iraqi government has blocked the move.] Kurdish regional president Massoud Barzani can postpone the issue to another time, especially since he has stated that the Kurdish flag has not been raised over buildings in the region. The Iraqi government ought to have drawn Barzani’s attention to the fact that the suffering of Iraqis is a bigger issue than his complex about the flag, and that anything that divides people should be avoided. The issue is really about the former regime, rather than the flag itself. Iraqis used to hate anything associated with the regime, even though - to be honest - many good things happened then, such as the nationalisation of oil, free education, the eradication of illiteracy. The arrogance, dictatorship and bad conduct of the former president Saddam Hussein meant these positive aspects were lost. Saddam added nothing to the flag except the words "God is Great", and parliament later changed the style it was written in. Iraqis believe the flag represents their unity. If it is to be changed, parliament should deal with it. The Kurds are represented in the parliament, so they can submit a proposal to change the flag through the legislative channel, rather than by personal decree.
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